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How to build a brand that resonates with the masses?

tyccAd | September 23, 2021 | Branding


A little story to start with –

In 1500, the word ‘brand’ was used to refer to the marks burned on cattle. It was later in 1800 when word and the ranched symbols, which previously meant ownership became associated with quality.

The transformation of word’s meaning came about when wine distributors started to mark their wine crates, so they do not get mix with others.  It was back in the 1870s. The practice soon became commonplace. Not just wine sellers but producers of all kinds of things started following branding and trademarking to distinguish themselves from competitors and rip-offs.

That is how this multi-billion dollar industry was born.

End of the story.

Why does it matter?

Branding Companies in Delhi, Tokyo, or Amsterdam all follow the same principles of branding. The phenomenon is global, and so is the market. Once you couple it up with a meaningful product – you can make the customers buy goods because of the way they perceive your product. Coca-cola or Apple no longer sell products, they sell feelings, and it is a result of branding.

Alright! Now that we know why it matters, let us get into the how’s of brand building. Without further ado –

How to build a brand

  1. Define the brand

To be able to connect with the audience, your brand should have a character of its own. You must create a persona that is different from the existing players in the space.

Get to the deep end of the market, review the services and products you offer. Study similar brands and their service in great detail, then pinpoint what is lacking for the consumers. Do that!

  1. Personify your brand

Every brand has a human angle. Like humans, brands have purpose, values, beliefs, and more. Define the personality thoroughly. You know how you will behave in a certain situation; in brand building, you must know your brand that well.

  1. Know what drives your business

The success of a brand depends a lot on its emotive positioning. You must know who the hero in your brand is. It is vital in carving your brand individuality.

  1. Work to build a long relationship with the customer

Brand that oversells and underperforms never survive. Strive to create long relationships with your customers. Never raise their expectations to an extent you cannot fulfill. Branding is built on trust, and honest branding stays around for longer.

  1. Do not imitate

Rather than mimicking a brand that inspires you, or simply a successful brand, create your own individuality. The audience you will attract by being your true self will stay with you.

Just know ‘Yeh public hai sab janti hai’, so when you are not authentic, they will know will not honest resonate with your brand.

  1. Be fearless and confident in your approach

If you are a modern person – which you are unless you are reading this through a different dimension of time – you see more than – wait for it – 5000 ads in a day! How many of them stand out? Less than 1%. If you want to make your presence felt, you must adopt a fearless approach. Be creative! Do not settle!

Characteristics of Strong Brands

Okay, done with the hows. It is time for the good old what’s!

What makes strong brands are these characteristics –


People use this word for a lot less than it means, it gets tossed around in the marketing world, like “I’ll let you know” gets thrown around in the HR ecosystem. While building a brand, you must be your authentic self in what you do, who you are, and why you do it. If you are not authentic, you can’t expect your brand to strike with the audience.


Looking for a successful brand, it is very easy to get carried away. Especially if you can see yourself implementing their style to your brand. BEWARE! This is what will drive your brand down the slope.

Distinctiveness pays off! Be remembered for being stand out. It is difficult, but not impossible. You didn’t think the brand building was going to be easy, did you?


YouTube strike a chord with the audience using relevant content, and web content has never been the same ever since. There is no expiry date on relevance. The way you communicate and your brand persona both must be relevant. You can’t sell if you fail to create an emotional connection with your brand. Position yourself in a way that can audience relate with.

Whether to hire a branding or to do it yourself? That’s the question. Isn’t it? Well, here is the answer.

Reasons to Hire a Brand Management Agency in Delhi

  • You can focus on growing your business without worrying about branding.
  • You understand your business better than an outsider, similarly, a branding firm in Delhi with years of experience in the field can position your brand better than you can.
  • You can save a lot of time you would otherwise put in creating media plans. Hiring a branding expert solves this problem.
  • Benefit from the hands-on experience of the agency since they have been doing this for a long.

We can go on, but you get the gist, right?


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