
With the advent of digital marketing, many PR companies use several frameworks to implement and coordinate the brand’s marketing activities. Whenever there’s a conversation about the convergence of public relations, social media and digital media, then PESO is a concept that surely becomes a part of the conversation. PESO is an acronym for Paid, Earned, Shared and Owned media which includes all channels of communication for smarter media coverage. The PESO model effectively sells and promotes your thought leadership capabilities and enhances brand awareness. It lays the foundation for a comprehensive communications strategy. 


Let’s explore the different media forms of PESO model. 


Paid media

Paid media refers to the type of media in which you pay for the media exposure on a platform or space owned by another company. This type of media can be a boon for your business and can even turn out to be a bane if not strategised accordingly. It gets you in front of a bigger audience enabling you to communicate your message to them, but they do not guarantee success. You might spend money but get zero results because of an unplanned strategy. There are many PR companies out there that provide the best results with maximum return on investment (ROI) reaching a wider audience. Native advertising, Pay-per-click, and paid social media campaigns are all a few examples of paid media.


Earned media

In contrast to paid media, Earned media is the type of media wherein you don’t pay for it. There is an involvement of third parties that publish information about your business on their platforms without money. Among all, earned media is the Holy Grail. It gives organic proof of the businesses to other consumers answering all their questions and easing their anxiety. Customer reviews, published press releases, and blogs are a few examples of earned media. 


Shared media

Shared media is the type of media wherein the audience engages with your content and shares their words by reverting to different platforms. The pass-long sharing and commenting upon your message by the community through social channels validate your efforts of connecting with the target audience. You can increase your brand awareness by creating insightful and useful content that is shareable by the audience. Social media, multimedia and webinars are a few examples of shared media. 


Owned media

Owned media is the type of media in which you own your channels to share your content with the audience. Here, you write editorials and messages and publish and control the channels on your own. The only drawback is that it can take you a longer time to create an impact on the audience. Websites, social media, newsletters, and brand journalism are all examples of owned media. 


Altogether, each element of the PESO model is unique and helpful in its own way. What matters is how you formulate a strategy to drive effective results and meet the company’s goals efficiently. Before spending your resources, examine their capabilities and the best ROI on them. The best PR Company in Delhi enable you to strategically invest in different media types with data-driven results. 


Thank You For Checking Out The Yellow Coin Communication. If There’s Anything We Can Help You With, Do Reach Out To Us. We Love Public Relations Anyway!


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